Students' awareness of healthy lifestyles: questionnaire survey and analysis



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №5 2017, pp. 21-22

PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Kuvanov
E.N. Korostelev
National Mineral Resources (Mining) University, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to survey technical university students to analyse their awareness of healthy lifestyles and the relevant values. The formal questionnaire survey was performed on a random sampling basis in 2016. Subject to the survey were 60 full-time students of National Mining University, males and females, sampled from different courses. The survey data and analysis showed the technical university students having quite inconsistent and unclear knowledge and limited interpretations of the modern healthy lifestyles. The respondents were also found to seldom apply a few commonly known elements of healthy lifestyles, and most of them showed little if any valueological competency. When the students showed some awareness of healthy lifestyles, the knowledge was mostly provided by Internet sources. The study demonstrated the need in the modern healthy lifestyles and their components being duly delivered within the frame of the academic Physical Education discipline.

Keywords: healthy lifestyle, students, valueological competency.


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