Schoolchildren's opinion poll on Russian School Physical Education Olympiad: sociological analysis
Associate Professor, PhD E.V. Kiseleva
Dr.Hab., Professor M.V. Zhiyar
Associate Professor, PhD T.V. Levchenkova
Associate Professor, PhD V.B. Soloviev
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow
The study was designed to poll opinions of the 7-11-class schoolchildren on the Russian School Physical Education Olympiad (RSPEO). Based on the questionnaire survey data, we found that most of the schoolchildren were enlisted for the RSPEO by their physical education teachers, with the competitors’ motivations dominated by their individual interests in the school physical education lessons and desire to test own skills. Generally the schoolchildren reported positive attitudes to the event and their preparedness to compete in the next year event. The schoolchildren also reported having no serious difficulties in the theoretical and practical contests. The senior schoolchildren came up with a few suggestions on how the Russian School Physical Education Olympiad could be improved.
Keywords: physical education, schoolchildren, School Physical Education Olympiad, schoolchildren’s motivations, schoolchildren’s interest in Olympiad.
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