Cognitive activity management in primary pupils' physical education process driven by health promotion technologies
Master's student I.A. Irgasheva
Tyumen State University, Tyumen
The article presents practical results of an experimental study to rate primary pupils' cognitive activity using the N.V. Fomichova’s tests. The study data and analysis showed low physical fitness and cognitive activity test rates in the 2-graders at physical education lessons. We have studied the ways to activate the primary pupils' cognitive activity using the relevant health technologies that may include the following: due competences and skills ranked by the quality and application scopes; cognitive tasks designed mostly on an interdisciplinary basis to facilitate the progress of personality traits pivotal for the individual creativity; fact-finding and creativity basics mastering to help the children address problematic situations; and cognitive tasks geared to develop the children’s abilities, motivations and solutions-finding activity. The above conditions were established at a primary school and tested at physical education lessons, and the education model was proved beneficial as verified by the children’s personality development, interdisciplinary and disciplinary progress rates.
Keywords: health, cognitive activity, primary pupils, health promotion technologies, physical fitness.
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