Rating schoolchildren's physical fitness for Ready for Labour and Defence (GTO) Complex Stage III tests at general education schools
Associate Professor, PhD A.V. Fursov
Dr.Hab., Professor N.I. Sinyavsky
PhD R.I. Sadykov
Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
Objective of the study was to rate the schoolchildren’s physical fitness for the Ready for Labour and Defence (GTO) Complex Stage III Tests at general education schools of Surgut. Subject to the study were 1126 schoolchildren who joined the tests on a voluntary basis. The GTO Complex Stage III Test data were processed using the online service toolkit provided on www.rosinwebc.ru. The study was designed to test speed, speed-strength abilities and endurance of the schoolchildren of the age groups eligible for the GTO Complex Stage III Tests. The study data and analysis showed that only 2.3% of the general education school children of Surgut eligible for the GTO Complex Stage III Tests managed to qualify for a Gold GTO Badge; 14.8% for a Silver GTO Badge; and 9.3% for a Bronze GTO Badge. The proportion of the schoolchildren who failed in the GTO Complex Stage III Tests was as large as 73.5 %. The study data gave the reasons to find that the school Physical Education lessons need to be improved to secure progress of the speed, strength and speed-strength abilities in the children eligible for the GTO Complex Stage III Tests.
Keywords: requirements, schoolchildren, GTO Complex Stage III Tests, online service, physical fitness, obligatory and optional tests, applied skills and abilities.
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