Correlation of pacing skills with progress in Physical Education discipline



Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor V.P. Ozerov1
A.A. Sasin1
S.V. Ivanova2
E.V. Chebotova2
1North-Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol
2Stavropol State Agrarian University, Stavropol

Physical education lessons at school and university are known to be crucial in the psychomotor system formation process. Individual errors in every motor action depend both on the individual sensitivity and controllability of the sensory/ perceptive systems and the ability to control movements in a most conscientious and precise manner. A motor skill building process is crowned by a clear rhythm and pace of the movement sequence being formed to provide a framework for the motor skill performance algorithm with its spacing and timing aspects. Objective of the study was to find correlations of the individual pacing abilities with the academic progress in the theoretical and practical domains of the Physical Education discipline. We applied for the purposes of the study a special method of our own design to test the pacing sensitivity of the subjects who were required to keep the movement pace as close as possible to the standard pace set up by an electronic metronome, with 10 fixed paces being varied unexpectedly and unpredictably for the subject. The test data and analysis showed the timing and pacing abilities of the secondary school graduates being underdeveloped by the school physical education lessons; and this was the reason why the academic progress of about 30% of the first-year students was rated unsatisfactory by the pacing ability tests. As verified by the data ranging correlation analysis, the students’ pacing ability showed a reasonably meaningful correlation with their progress in the theoretical and practical domains of the Physical Education discipline; and this finding underlines once again the role of the individual sensitivity in the physical performance and activity control processes.

Keywords: physical education, pacing ability, students.


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