Some aspects of education process design for academic Physical Education discipline in context of federal state higher education standard (FSHES) implementation



Dr.Hab., Associate Professor S.Yu. Schetinina
Pacific State University, Khabarovsk

The article considers some aspects of the education process design for the academic Physical Education discipline in the context of the Federal State Higher Education Standard (FSHES) implementation process and lists the valid legislative and regulatory provisions for the academic initiatives to redesign the discipline. We consider some aspects of the base educational components (modules) being implemented in the national physical culture and sport education system and the elective academic disciplines, with special provisions to facilitate the academic education of disabled and health-impaired students (HIS). Special emphasis is made on the students’ needs for every sport discipline and physical training within the frame of the present elective physical education disciplines. The issues of the academic physical education system redesign and optimization and the relevant challenges outlined herein may be beneficial for the initiatives to improve the national academic physical education system.

Keywords: physical education system design, university, FSHES, education process, elective disciplines, needs, students, disabled and health-impaired students (HIS).


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