Central blocking player in modern volleyball: technical and tactical efficiency rating by educational analysis
N.Y. Belova1
Associate Professor, PhD E.V. Fomin1
A.M. Pshenichnaya1
1Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow
Modern elite volleyball player training systems imply due information provisioning for the training and competitive processes. To secure good competitive success, coaches need to apply theoretically grounded training methods; perfectly know and flexibly apply a variety of modern tools and technologies; apply the relevant high-quality and timely progress rating tools; and analyse the process data and statistics. We have analysed performance data of the central blocking players of elite men’s volleyball teams using a set of statistical data and techniques and tactics rating criteria. Subject to the analysis was the players’ performance at the top-ranking world events in the pre-Olympic season of 2015-2016.
Keywords: volleyball, game, technical and tactical actions.
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