University students' training system for summer practices at children's health camps



Associate Professor, PhD L.M. Kravtsova1
Associate Professor, PhD T.A. Mikhailova1
Associate Professor Е.V. Chernaya1
Associate Professor G.P. Konyakhina1
1South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk

Lately the national health system has increasingly acknowledged the gap between the traditional stereotypes of the children’s health recreation in summer vacation period and the new social situation and challenges. The deeper is the research in and our knowledge of the children’s and adolescents’ physical education processes, the more outdated and banal are the traditional physical education technologies and the professional specialist training systems applied in the national physical education and sports sector. The article outlines a practice-centred system of the university students’ training for summer practices at children’s health camps (CHC) based on an individualized approach and gives practical recommendations on how this work may be designed on a more efficient basis.

Keywords: physical education instructor, children’s health camp, student’s practice, students’ training improvement recommendations for CHC practice.


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