Comparative analysis of Russian versus foreign academic physical education curricula: methodological grounds
Postgraduate Tszinuy Liu1
PhD A.R. Baymurzin1
Dr.Hab., Professor, Academician of RAE S.D. Neverkovich1
1Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow
The article considers methodological grounds for a comparative analysis of the Russian versus foreign academic physical education curricula. The professional physical education curricula are offered to be rated by a three-tier system including the conceptual, practical and technological domains. The conceptual tier implies the academic curricula being rated by the criteria focused on their philosophic basics; ideological values and the governing experience accumulation and sharing concept. The practical tier implies the following rating criteria being applied: compliance of the subject curriculum to the valid higher professional education standards applicable to the specialist training technology; type of the educator-students’ interpersonal educational communication and cooperation; type of the curriculum and compliance of its missions and objective with its design and contents. The technological tier implies the following rating criteria being applied: process characteristics; and the practical provisions for the curriculum. The methodological toolkit reported by the article makes it possible to design an effective comparative analysis based on the above sets of the objective rating criteria, the analysis being beneficial for many specialists of the national professional education system.
Keywords: higher professional education, academic curriculum, comparative analysis, rating criteria.
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