Sportizated physical education technology at physical education school



Associate Professor А.G. Polivaev
Tyumen State University, P.P. Ershov Ishim Pedagogical Institute (branch), Ishim

The article considers the design, content and primary objectives of the sportizated physical education service provided by general education schools. A sportizated physical education model was tested by an educational experiment within the frame of a Sport-Centred Physical Education Module including 6 disciplines. Subject to the educational experiment were two groups of students majoring in the Physical Education and Physical Education and Life Safety disciplines. Reference Group was trained by the traditional education technology including lectures, workshops, verbal and written tests and interviews; and the Study Group was trained using the active education technology including the project design method, modelling and portfolio. The progress data generated by the educational experiment demonstrated that the new Sport-Centred Physical Education Module facilitates the general cultural and professional competencies building component of the physical education process.

Keywords: professional standard “Educator”, sportizated education, physical education, educator training, professional competences.


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