Legal and regulatory provisions for youth physical culture and sports in Russian Federation



PhD O.V. Lisachenko
Sterlitamak College of Physical Culture, Management and Service, Sterlitamak

The article analyses the existing legal and regulatory framework of the Russian Federation for youth physical culture and sports. The situation faced by the national physical culture and sports sector in the early 2000ies was responded by the action plan to build up the relevant legal and regulatory framework to facilitate the system missions being fulfilled. The outdated Federal Law #80-FZ of 1999 “On the Physical Culture and Sports System in the Russian Federation” was annulled and replaced by a new Law of November 16, 2007, plus a new Federal State General Education Standard (FSGES) was put into effect on December 17, 2010 as one of the key state regulatory provisions to determine the youth physical culture and sports system development initiatives.
The Presidential Decree #172 of March 24, 2014 “On the Russian Physical Culture and Sports “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO) Complex” was welcomed as a highly important and socially accepted regulatory provision to advance the physical education and sports in the country on the whole and general education system in particular. We believe the present policies supported by the valid Russian legal and regulatory framework give every opportunity to advance the mass physical education and elite sports that are highly important for the nation’s image.

Keywords: Federal laws, education, physical culture, GTO Complex.


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