GTO complex role in national physical culture and sports sector
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №4 2017, pp.99-101
Dr.Hab., Professor S.I. Filimonova1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor I.A. Sabirova2
PhD T.S. Grishina2
S.N. Fedoryachenko3
1Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
2Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture, Voronezh
3Higher School of Economics, Moscow
The study considers the GTO Complex second-stage implementation issues. Objective of the study was to rate the popular commitment for the GTO Complex test by a comparative analysis of the second-stage implementation reports. Subject to the analysis were the statistical data on the numbers of qualifiers for the GTO Complex tests in its second implementation stage, the basic study data being obtained from the official website The study data and analysis demonstrated a general progress of the GTO Complex implementation across the RF regions as verified by the popular commitment rates. However, the study data also showed generally low primary fitness levels of the qualifiers in the second stage of the GTO project implementation albeit it should be noted that the second stage is mostly designed to test the school population subject to compulsory physical education at schools. A number of issues related to the self-reliant training of a broader population for the GTO tests are still contradictory as yet for the reason that the relevant recommendations only cannot provide enough motivations for the self-reliant practices, plus no data is available on the primary physical statuses of the qualifiers for the tests. New comprehensive surveys are needed and latent resources still need to be mobilized to obtain new GTO test progress data.
Keywords: Russian Physical Culture and Sports “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO) Complex, RF regions, national physical culture and sports sector.
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