Junior rhythmic gymnasts' jumping ability progress tests



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №4 2017, pp.86-88

Dr.Hab., Professor O.I. Zagrevskiy1
Postgraduate E.V. Beznosikova1
1Tomsk State University, Tomsk

The article considers some issues of the 6-10 years-old junior rhythmic gymnasts’ jumping ability progress tests. The article demonstrates that the recent studies including the junior rhythmic gymnasts’ jumping ability progress tests give the means to duly manage the education and training process. Further solutions may be found if due priority is given to the relevant age-specific training when certain physical abilities of the athletes are most sensitive to modification and excelling practices. A prime objective of the study was to obtain and analysie the junior rhythmic gymnasts’ jumping ability progress test data.
Statistical data generated by the study demonstrates the junior rhythmic gymnasts’ jumping ability progress being age-specific with the highest progress being normally attained by the 8-9 years of age with this progress component accounting for above 50% of the total long-term growth as verified by the progress tests. The age groups of 6-7 and 7-8 year-olds were tested with the lowest progress rates estimated at 2-3% only. 

Keywords: progress, motor qualities, jumping ability, tests.


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