Competitive shooters' coordination abilities and technical mastery combined excelling model
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №4 2017, pp.75-77
Postgraduate V.A. Pogodin1
Dr.Hab., Professor G.N. Ponomarev2
1Vologda State University, Vologda
2St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
Individual technical mastery in target shooting is largely dependent on how skilful is the shooter in the gun control aspects including the coming-to-ready, breathing, aiming and trigger pulling aspects. In addition, the overall target shooting success is much dependent on a variety of specific individual coordination abilities that may be described as the musculoskeletal sensations and the timing and placing accuracies. This is the reason for the modern shooters’ training systems giving an increasingly high priority to the shooting technique excelling practices being reasonably combined with the specific coordination ability excelling ones. An objective of the study was to provide experimental evidence to prove practical benefits of the combined skill excelling model designed to improve the competitive shooters’ coordination abilities with technical mastery. Subject to the model tests were 14-17 years-olds qualified at least Class II Athletes by VP-4 Standard Test and split up into Experimental and Reference Groups. The Experimental Group was trained in the precompetitive stage as provided by the coordination abilities and technical mastery combined excelling model of our own design. The tests and study data demonstrated benefits of the shooters’ training model giving the top priority to the combined coordination ability and technical mastery excelling practices.
Keywords: target shooting, technical mastery, specific coordination abilities, technical fitness.
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