Effects of physical activity of expectant mothers on morphology and functionality of erythrocytes in postnatal ontogenesis



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №4 2017, pp.61-64

PhD, Professor V.P. Kartashev1
Dr.Med., Associate Professor S.V. Shmeleva1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Karpova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.I. Dubrovinskaya1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow

Subject to the study was the morphological and functional transformations of erythrocytes in postnatal ontogenesis of rats and effects of physical prenatal stress (modelled by swimming practices taking 90 minutes per day for the whole pregnancy period) on the bodily hormonal status on the whole an the red blood cells morphology in particular in the postnatal ontogenesis of the newborns.
It was found that the morphological and functional transformations of erythrocytes may notably vary in the rats’ postnatal ontogenesis with stresses. The initially low percentage of discocytes in the newborns was found to gradually increase with the body growth and development process to attain the typical adult rates in 30 days. The low rates of discocytes in the early ontogenesis were found to associate with high percentages of discoid- and non-discoid-shaped blood cells. Average diameters of the red blood cells were found to start contracting by day 15 with the erythrocyte formula being fully formed by day 30 when mothers normally stops nursing the newborns.
The prenatal stress modelled by the swimming practices taking 90 minutes per day for the whole pregnancy period was found to delay the morphological and functional transformation of erythrocytes in the newborns that may be interpreted as indicative of the important role of the intrauterine growth time in the blood aspiration system formation process of the postnatal ontogenesis. This finding demonstrates the need in the expectant mothers being duly protected from physical overloads to secure the red blood system being well developed in the newborns.

Keywords: ontogenesis, erythrocytes, prenatal stress, swimming.


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