Psychological consulting service to athletes in challenging life situations
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №4 2017, pp.32-34
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Polyakov1
Dr.Sc.Psych., Associate Professor P.A. Kislyakov1
PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Senkevich1
L.A. Bychkova1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
Every initiative to improve the competitive success rates and secure persistent progress implies due psychological service being provided to the athletes facing a variety of sport-specific and life problems. The study was designed to find the psychological consulting service methods most efficient in application to athletes. It gives descriptions of four efficient psychological consulting service methods applicable to athletes exposed to stresses due to professionalization challenges in sports (by Occasional Fellow Traveller method), or post-traumatic stresses (by Structured Confession method), or facing sport-motivation related problems (by Rational Emotive Psychotherapy), or problems due to inadequate thinking and acting culture (by Life Skills Developing service). The article gives a few cases of practical consulting services, with a special emphasis on the benefits of the reported consulting tools in application to junior athletes and coaches (under 30 years of age) facing some life problems; with the service benefits being verified by the psychological/ psychosomatic state improvements; increased sport motivations; due understanding of the origins of the difficulties; and successful solutions of the problems faced in the sport-specific domain and other life situations. The practical methodologies outlined in the article may be helpful for the sport psychologists seeking, in cooperation with the coaches, to improve the competitive success rates and secure persistent progress of the young athletes.
Keywords: athletes, stress, trauma, motivation, thinking and acting culture, consulting services.
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