Advanced education as personnel training tool to implement "Ready for Labor and Defence" GTO complex initiatives



E.A. Zyurin1
Associate professor, PhD N.V. Masyagina2
Dr.Sc.Econ., Dr.Hab., Professor, Honoured Worker of Physical Culture of the RF S.V. Nachinskaya2
L.A. Kalinkin
1Federal Physical Culture and Sport Research Centre, Moscow
2Moscow Sports Education Centre, Moscow


Keywords: GTO Complex, initiatives, GTO Complex tests, staffing arrangements, advanced professional education.

Background. The Russian Physical Culture and Sport “Ready for Labour and Defence” GTO Complex reinstatement decision provided a new impetus to the national physical culture sector, good support for the people’s multisided and harmonic development and patriotism cultivation movement and for due succession of the national physical education traditions.

The reinstated GTO Complex sets new national standards for physical fitness of the RF residents including the age- and gender-specific qualification test norms and lists of competences and healthy living standards. The GTO Complex reinstatement initiative was widely welcomed by the people of the Russian Federation. For the period of September 1, 2014 to September 1, 2016, 583,960 residents of 85 regions of the Russian Federation were reported to join the GTO Complex training and testing process, with students reported to make up 89% and adults 11% of these enthusiasts. Furthermore, the statistical data for this period reports 250,077 people being successfully qualified by the relevant GTO Complex tests i.e. the test success rate was 42.9% of the total number of candidates, including 230,972 successful students and 19,105 adults. The practical tests also showed that the GTO Complex test performance varied at mean level (43%). The GTO Complex test qualification statistics classified by the relevant GTO qualification badges are given in Table 1 hereunder.

Table 1. GTO Complex test qualification statistics by the relevant GTO qualification badges

GTO qualification badge





65 210

63 707



105 133

95 109

10 024


79 744

72 156


Furthermore, the practical experience of the GTO Complex tests has showed that the success of the campaign cannot be secured by the public enthusiasm only. The system needs motivated, knowledgeable and skilled specialists prepared to manage the process and engage both young and adult people in the system.

Objective of the study was to consider specific issues of the personnel training for the reinstated Russian Physical Culture and Sports “Ready for Labour and Defence” GTO Complex implementation system.

Study results and discussion. The specialist theoretical and practical training is provided by an integrated advanced education system within the national physical culture and sports sector. Such approach gives the means to optimize the scope and content of the innovative training components in the existing educational universe and create due conditions for the systemic personnel training for the reinstated GTO Complex system. The personnel training for the reinstated GTO Complex system is designed to extensively employ the available human and institutional resource of the national education system including physical education teachers at general education establishments; physical education process managers and executives of the primary, secondary and higher professional education establishments; coaching educators of the advanced education institutions for the sport and body conditioning specialists; and physical education specialists of special education establishments. The personnel training system provide due competences both to the federal-, regional- and local-level GTO Complex implementation project personnel and to the test centres’ management, refereeing and voluntary service personnel.

Based on the study data, advanced education in the GTO Complex related subjects is recommended for the following categories of specialists:

  •  Management officers for the physical culture and sports sector agencies;
  • Physical training and sport process organisers;
  • Regional GTO Complex implementation process management officers;
  • GTO Complex test centres’ management personnel;
  • GTO Complex electronic database service specialists;
  • Sport referees and the GTO Complex test service referees; and
  • Relevant educational, health service specialists and mass physical culture and sport movement organisers to support the GTO Complex system.

The above personnel should provide their educational services to every category of students/ trainees as required by the relevant Federal State Education Standards (FSES). The scopes and content of the educational programs is to be designed to provide necessary and sufficient knowledge and skills to the students to help them train for and succeed in the GTO Complex tests as required by the relevant national physical culture and sports sector regulatory standards and requirements.

The sport universities under control of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and the relevant physical culture and sports departments and institutes under the Ministry of Education having the necessary competency in the versatile programming for the relevant education curricula will take control of the personnel training system.

The available practical experience has showed that the existing advanced education departments of higher education establishments traditionally in charge of the GTO Complex service specialist training are not always capable of providing sound competences to the modern GTO Complex service personnel. A modern specialist in this field is required to have at least the following competences in the fundamentals of modern physical culture and sports: healthy lifestyles; versatile physical conditioning and training methods; and mass physical activity encouragement and promotion methods. The modern challenges require new forms and methods of the specialist training for the GTO Complex implementation system being developed and offered.

In the period of 2010-12, a Municipal Target Program “Moscow Sports 3” was implemented in Moscow city. The Program initiatives were supported by the State Budgetary Education Establishment Moscow Sport Education Centre established based on the Moscow Government Decree #587-РП of March 31, 2010. This Education Centre has been in charge of the specialist training within the advanced physical education and sports system, including training of the GTO Complex service personnel. Therefore, the specialist advanced education services under control of the Moscow Sport Committee have been provided by only one dedicated organisation fully responsible for the quality of the GTO Complex service personnel education. The Centre ensures the Moscow Sport Committee specialists operating as a united, cohesive and strong team determined to ensure good quality of the physical culture and sports specialist training for the Moscow region. Such team naturally needs its members’ skills being systemically improved by the relevant system that may also provide high-quality personnel training services to the GTO Complex system.

The Centre is running quite a few educational programs to meet the key needs of the reinstated GTO Complex system. The programs provide for the education groups being composed on a balanced basis to attain the maximum possible success in the education process. For the period of January to September 2016, for instance, the Centre provided advanced education services to 400 sector specialists.

The Centre now operates on a systemic basis to ensure good progress of specialists coming to the Centre from a variety of sport organisations and establishments. The Centre reports its peaking activity in April when the refereeing service specialists are trained for the GTO Complex system and the lowest activity in February, May and September with the students’ population being virtually the same.

As things now stand, the Centre gives a top priority to the new physical culture and sport technologies giving the means to notably advance the sector activities, the technologies being duly covered by the newly developed advanced education programs for the national physical education and sports sector specialists majoring in a variety of physical culture and sport fields: see Figure 1 hereunder.

Figure 1. Classification of the advanced education programs by the demand rates


The modern personnel training system gives the means to respond to the relevant public demands in a timely manner and duly meet the requirements to the mass physical culture and sports promotion and categorical progress rating by the reinstated GTO Complex system. The Education Centre under the Moscow Sport Committee provides the advanced education services in the following domains:

  • Thematic education to build competences in the relevant sectors, including the GTO Complex system service competences;
  • Short-term specific training by workshops, master classes, open sessions and research and practical conferences; and
  • Professional retraining courses taking above 500 hours to give new background and qualifications to the sector specialists.

The education process is designed with an emphasis on due motivations for the professional competency building and improvement being formed in the process. The Moscow Sport Education Centre persistently improves the quality of the specialist education services for the reinstated GTO Complex implementation initiatives.


  1. Zyurin A.A., Masyagina N.V. Professionalnaya perepodgotovka i povyshenie kvalifikatsii spetsialistov v oblasti fizicheskoy kultury i sporta v sisteme Moskomsporta [Professional retraining and advanced training of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports in the system of Moscow Sports Committee]. Mater. VI-VII nauch.-prakt. konf. "Obrazovanie, vospitanie, sport: traditsii i innovatsii" [Mater. VI-VII res.-pract. conf. "Education, training, sport: tradition and innovation"]. Moscow: Sputnik publ., 2016, pp. 19-25.
  2. Masyagina N.V. Model vosproizvodstva kadrov dlya fizkulturno-sportivnoy otrasli v sisteme nepreryvnogo obrazovaniya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Model of personnel training for physical culture and sports industry in continuing education in the Russian Federation]. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya, 2015, no. 6; Available at: www. science- education.Ru/ 130-22825
  3. Nachinskaya S.V., Masyagina N.V. Fizicheskaya kultura i sport: nepreryvnoe obrazovanie [Physical Culture and Sports: continuing education]. Moscow, 2012, 92 p.
  4. Presidential Decree "On All-Russian physical culture and sports complex" Ready for Labor and Defence (GTO)" of March 24, 2014 №172; Available at: (In RUss.)
  5. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On approval of organization and implementation of educational activities for additional professional programs" of July 1, 2013 № 499 (as amended). Available at:
  6. Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia "On approval of the state requirements for physical fitness of people in performance of the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defence (GTO)" for physical culture and sports workers and test organizers; Available at: (In Russ.)
  7. Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation» № 273-FZ of 29.12.2012 (as amended); Available at: (In Russ.)
  8. Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation» №329- FZ of 04.12.2007 (as amended on July 3, 2016); Available at: 039 (In Russ.)


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The article considers the issues of personnel training for the reinstated Russian Physical Culture and Sports “Ready for Labour and Defence” GTO Complex implementation initiative and reports the GTO Complex test data for the RF residents from among students, the test data being found to average at the mean level. However, the GTO Complex implementation system still needs to be staffed by skilled personnel. Based on the study data, advanced education in the GTO Complex related subjects is recommended for a few categories of specialists including the physical culture and sports sector agencies management officers; physical training and sport process organisers; regional GTO Complex implementation process management officers; GTO test centres’ management personnel; GTO Complex electronic database service specialists; physical culture and sport referees; and the relevant educational specialists. The study data and analyses demonstrate such education being beneficial as verified by the personnel performance efficiency rates. Of high promise appear to be a few special education forms including the focused education, short-term training courses and professional retraining courses taking up to 500 hours.