National specifics of physical culture and sports development process in Yakut (Sakha) Republic
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2017, pp.103-104
UDC 796+338.48 (082)
PhD, Associate Professor E.G. Vinokurov1
N.M. Popova1
A.N. Kuzmina1
1Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Churapcha, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
The article considers national specifics of the physical culture and sports development process in the Yakut (Sakha) Republic. The central part of Yakut Republic mostly populated by the people of Sakha gives a top priority to the locally popular ethnic Hapsagay wrestling, Yakut jumping game, mas-wrestling (a traditional stick pulling game) and equestrian sport; whilst the indigenous people of the Far Northern (Evenks, Dolgans, Yukagirs and Chukcha) and Southern (Evenks) parts give favour to the reindeer races, lariat throws on target, reindeer catching competitions, dog sledge races, jumps over sledge, hunting ski races etc. Games of the indigenous Yakut people may be generally described as applied practices largely genuine for the local people’s labour and everyday activities. Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture (CSIPC) gives a high priority in its activities to the ethnic traditions of the Yakut (Sakha) Republic peoples taking efforts to promote and support their favourite ethnic sports. The Institute activities in this field are advanced by the Department of Competitive Wrestling Sports, Traditional Games and Competitions with the following divisions: Mas-wrestling Division, Nordic Combined Sports Division, National Jumping Sport Division (promoting the kyyly, ystynga, kuobakhмас ethnic jumping games) and the Ethnic Hapsagay Wrestling Division.
Keywords: national sport disciplines, Hapsagay, mas-wrestling, ysyakh, ethnic sports.
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