Rural teaching practice of physical culture university students: regional design and educational/practical provisioning model



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2017, pp.100-102

UDC 796.077.5

N.N. Sivtsev
Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Churapcha, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

The study considers the process of permanent students’ practices in education process of a regional physical cultural university. Issues of the students’ professional developmental practices have long been studied by many researchers since the academic professional education process at a physical cultural university gives only theoretical knowledge that needs to be supported by practical skills acquired through actual teaching practices. Therefore, studies to improve the academic education process via the regional design and educational/ practical provisioning models for the physical culture university students’ rural teaching practices are given a high priority today. The study was performed at Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture (CSIPC) in the Yakut (Sakha) Republic.

Keywords: teaching practice, regional model, practical training, educational process, professional skills.


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