Dynamic electrical stimulation for competitive performance improvement: application technology and benefits
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2017, pp.69-72
UDC 796.012
Dr.Biol., Professor V.L. Rostovtsev1
PhD A.A. Grushin2
1National Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow
2Russian Olympic Committee, Moscow
The article summarises the experience of dynamic electrical stimulation method application in an athletic training process. The study was designed on a phased basis since 1980ies till now and demonstrated undoubted benefits of the method as verified by a variety of racing skiers’ performance rates and the competitive success rate in races and biathlon comprising an integrated progress indicator. A modern version of the method is applied in form of “intelligent trunks” equipped with sensors to obtain the spatial and temporal characteristics of the thigh movements and rate the individual fitness by a set of performance criteria with automatic registration of a variety of energy supply aspects (physical, functional, cardiovascular, neuro-muscular, hormonal) in the stereotyped movement sequence. The method gives the means to rate the current special fitness, trace the moment of maximum tension of the m. quadriceps femoris and apply electric stimulation impulses to the muscle group in the push-off phase. At the present juncture, the method is applicable in a variety of versions: for the ski rollers, skies, skiing stride mimicking run practices, exercise bicycle and racing bicycle, roller and classical skates and the running, walking and jumping practices.
Keywords: dynamic electrical stimulation, ski races, biathlon, skating sport, running, walking, competitive success, training, short- and long-term adaptation.
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