Students' attitude toward All-Russian physical culture and sports GTO complex (Ready for Labour and Defence)
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2017, pp.57-59
UDC 796.01:316
Meritorious Physical Culture Worker, Dr.Hab., Professor V.A. Shchegolev1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Sushchenko1
PhD, Associate professor O.E. Piskun1
1Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg
The need for a conceptual approach to the rationale and implementation of an effective system of students’ physical training on the basis of their attitude to the norms and requirements of the All-Russian sports complex GTO (Ready for Labor and Defence) is determined by many social factors. Taking into account these and other factors, we suggest that the most optimal model of physical education of students should be based on the training for the norms and requirements of All-Russian sports complex GTO. It is important to consider that the activities of the university departments of physical education in the training for the norms and requirements of All-Russian sports complex GTO is an integral part of the professional education.
The results of the study indicate an inadequate assessment of the social values of physical education by many students; large untapped reserves of sports activity that can be used for the solution of educational problems and the development of spiritual, intellectual and physical abilities of the students.
Keywords: attitude, sports and athletic activity, factors, students, GTO norms and requirements.
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