Chess game application for people diagnosed with mental and intellectual disorders
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2017, pp.46-47
UDC 794.1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Mikhaylova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Alifirov1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
The need for motor activity is commonly known to be associated with the need in psychophysical activity to activate the personal intellectual potential. Regretfully, chess game was left beyond the List of Sports for People with Intellectual Disorders under the valid Federal Sport Training Standard. We employed a set of problem-addressing tools offered by the modern adaptive physical culture theory and practice to apply some chess game practices combined with adaptive training tools for correction of mental and intellectual pathologies in different groups of trainees. We applied the Teaching children with Autism to Mind Read and Floor Time methods in the chess game learning process to effectively mitigate the communicative disorders in junior competitors of the national and European championships. The adaptive chess mastering course was implemented under the Physical Education program for the special health group students of the Russian State Social University. In addition, the chess mastering course was piloted at the SBE Psycho-neurologic Boarding School #22 and supported by the Moscow Municipal Individual and Team Tournaments that made it possible to build up and test the practical application chess game course designed to correct different deficiencies in the attention focusing, memorising and thinking abilities of adults.
Keywords: chess, autism, intellectual development, mental condition, web-portals, memory, attention, thinking.
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