Respiration modules application in preparatory health group students' physical education process
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2017, pp.43-45
UDC 796.011.3
Professor, Dr.Biol. Y.A. Bukov1
I.M. Belousova1
1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol
Respiratory dysfunctions are known to be one of the most common functional disorders of respiratory system in the preparatory health group students. Subject to the study were 95 male students of a preparatory health group aged 18-20 years, with the subjects being tested by capnographic and pneumotachometric test systems, physical performance tests and somatic health rating tests. Respiration modules using a breathing training system of special design applied in the academic education process were found beneficial in terms of the achieved positive corrective effects, particularly the lung ventilation process improvement and the external respiration system reserve capacity mobilization effects. The positive ergogenic effects were interpreted as due to the stimulating impacts on the energy generation potentials of the students that helped increase the aerobic capacities, somatic health and physical fitness of the trainees.
Keywords: students, hyperventilation, respiration module, corrective and ergogenic effects.
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