Some aspects of physical culture and sports sector specialist education quality improvement in context of modern social development policies



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2017, pp.9-11

UDC 796.071

Dr.Hab., Professor V.I. Bondin1
T.A. Putilina2
1Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
2Rostov State Transport University, Rostov-on-Don

The modern national physical education system gives an increasing priority to the revision of the traditional physical culture and sports sector specialist education models in the context of the modern social development policies set by the government regulatory documents geared to reform the education system so as to facilitate the social development, national security and growth of the people’s wellbeing. Objective of the study was to analyse the present situation and most promising ways to improve the quality of the physical culture and sports sector specialist education. The study data and analyses were used to outline the promising modern professional education models that need to be implemented albeit in practical terms are still far from coming into effect. We believe that the physical culture and sports sector specialist education quality may be improved by innovative approaches to the academic education process reforms with due emphasis on the modern multisided knowledge of human development accumulated in every field of science. Based on the study findings, we offer an innovative research field and the relevant academic Kinesioergonomics discipline designed to build up the relevant special competences and optimise the training process by customising it to a variety of environmental conditions.

Keywords: quality, training, specialists, physical culture, sports.


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