Future educator's health competence building in individualized educational environments
Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №1-2017, pp.54-56
UDC 796.011.2
Associate Professor, PhD E.M. Golikova1
Associate Professor, PhD P.P. Tissen1
Postgraduate J.G. Abakumova1
1Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg
The article considers the essence of health competence and the ways to effectively build it in the individualized educational environments, with an emphasis on the process individualization and the role of the health competence in the future educators’ values-cultivation aspect. The student’s self-identification is viewed as pivotal for the physical training and health process individualization, the self-identification providing due guidance for the student to effectively control the self-reliant health protection and development process. Within the frame of the future educator’s training individualization process, the following cognition types were given the top priority: self-reliant discovery of the health protection and building values; and reliance on the common experience of the health-building basics of the modern physical culture to lay a foundation for the individual healthy lifestyle and personality building process. In the individualized education process, the student will have every opportunity to discover new things “in the own self” and “for the own self” by the own creative abilities being mobilized to construct and develop oneself based on the best human-building experience. The individualized education process showed the highest benefits in the self-discovery aspect, particularly in the efforts to build the qualities most valuable for the future educator’s personality.
Keywords: health competence, individualised education.
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