Technology of evaluation of speed and strength abilities of highly skilled players aged 15-16 years having different game roles
Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №1-2017, pp.46-50
UDC 796.332
Associate Professor, PhD A.V. Antipov1
Dr.Hab., Professor, Honoured Worker of Higher Education of the RF V.P. Guba1
1Moscow State Regional University, Moscow
The papers concerns the problems of analysis of speed and strength abilities of highly skilled football players aged 15-16 years in order to select effective means training and prevention of sport injuries. The researchers provided an evaluation technology and made a comparative analysis of the strength of the muscles involved in basic motor actions of football players performing various game roles.
It was found that varying degrees of speed and strength abilities of flexor and extensor muscles of hip, knee and ankle joints lead to uneven levels of lower limb injuries in football players aged 15-16 years, and in its turn, prevent from achievement of high results in sports. Based on the studies the authors developed an efficient system of body conditioning and special exercises to eliminate a wide range of injuries during the regular season.
Keywords: junior football players, technology, speed-strength abilities, lower limbs, game roles.
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