Artistic aesthetic image creating in modern fitness aerobics
Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №1-2017, pp.43-45
UDC 796.412.012.2
Dr.Hab., Professor L.D. Nazarenko1
Postgraduate I.A. Mingalisheva1
Postgraduate S.A. Guryanova1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk
Modern fitness aerobics offers a wide variety of tools to advance the general, physical and musical culture, foster feelings of beauty, build up rational movement rhythms and improve the expressivity of movements. The article offers a new approach to the movement artistry shaping process viewed as pivotal for the sport discipline, the process being designed to form due artistic aesthetic image formation skills and culture. The skills will give the ample means to mobilize the individual intellectual and creative resources; better understand the potentials of the modern tools applied by fitness aerobics for the multisided harmonic progress of personality; and for the individual phenotypic status improvement by the due Self Concept being formed. An educational experiment under the study showed the new methodology being beneficial in giving a new prospective to the trainee in terms of adequate assessment and perception of the spatial, temporal and strength aspects of the sport-specific movement sequences with their expressivity being largely dependent on the static and dynamic postural control skills commonly viewed as important health indicators. The proposed methodology is designed to provide the extensive tools to develop the individual plasticity, rational movement rhythms and perfect individual styles of the routine execution. The tools will help form positive mental and emotional mindsets with due support from the modern values of physical culture and sports, the method providing a promising way for the personality progress and perfection via the sport.
Keywords: fitness aerobics, artistic skills building, methodology, educational experiment.
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