Annual corrective cycle design for success of child's psychophysical development at primary sport selection stage



Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №1-2017, pp.38-39

UDC 796.015

Dr.Hab., PhD A.A. Peredelskiy
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow

The study highlights the need in the annual corrective cycle being duly designed for the 6-12 years-old children who fail some tests in the primary/ early sport selection stage. We believe that it is through the prudent design of the yearly corrective cycle/ course that the children may make good progress both in the general physical development and special physical fitness aspects. The design process will be based on the common knowledge that the physical flexibility, speed, endurance, agility, speed-strength and other physical qualities plus the natural mental abilities related to the memorizing and attention focusing skills and responses to a variety of signals are closely interrelated and interdependent in every personality. It should be also remembered that an untrained body and unconditioned mentality may be too sensitive to the challenging physical processes and unfit for direct and intensive effects of special physical training workloads on the whole and in the sensitive age in particular; moreover, the high physical and mental stresses may be harmful for the children’s health and, hence, highly probable to block their ways to the anticipated competitive accomplishments in future.

Keywords: tests, corrective macro-cycle, standard physical conditioning system.


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