Role of innovation technologies in motivating people for mass physical culture and sports
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №2 2017, pp.97-99
UDC 796.034.2
Associate Professor, PhD K.E. Lukichev1
Dr.Med. E.R. Yashina1
1All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow
The national physical culture and mass sports have always been designed to establish due environment to facilitate physical, spiritual and ethical progress of the communities and provide them with every opportunity to freely enjoy physical training and sports. The article makes an analysis of the present situation and promises of the innovative technologies being applied to motivate people for habitual physical culture and mass sports. The analyses made it possible to highlight the key problem of the system that is the sagging people’s physical development, physical fitness and health levels and, consequently, heavy economic losses due to underproduction of the gross domestic product as a result of the high sickness rates, early disabilities, high death toll and the shortening period of active labour. Innovation technologies will be advanced in the national physical culture and sports sector and be ranked among the top priority objectives of the governmental policies to motivate population for mass physical culture, sports and healthy lifestyles.
Keywords: mass sports, physical culture, motivation, training process, mobile devices, encouragement, sporting activity.
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