Effects of ergogenic training methods on aerobic capacities of junior swimmers
Теория и практика физической культуры №2 2017, pp.77-82
UDC 796.01:612
Dr.Hab., Professor V.R. Solomatin1
PhD, Associate Professor J.L. Voytenko1
Postgraduate A.V. Egorov1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow
The study was designed to assess training effects of “Capnicator” breathing trainer on the performance rates of 15-17-years-old swimmers. Subject to the experiment were 36 highly skilled swimmers. Prior to and after the training cycle the subjects were tested by laboratory tests including the treadmill graded exercise test and submaximal treadmill exercise test, with a variety of test rates being measured in the process including VO2max, VE, ExcCO2 etc. It was found that the respiratory system application in the pre-season helped notably increase the aerobic and anaerobic work capacities of junior swimmers and thereby improve their competitive success rates in the middle- and long-distance events.
Keywords: junior swimmers, aerobic and anaerobic work capacity, capacities, ergogenic training tools.
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