Future physical education specialist's technological competency building system: basic content
Associate Professor, PhD S.N. Gorshenina1
Postgraduate N.A. Marinkina1
1Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevev
Keywords: professional competency, technological competency, physical education specialist, components of technological competency, basic content of technological competency building process.
Background. In the ongoing new Federal State Education Standards (FSES) and Professional Teacher standard implementation process, high priority is given to the physical education specialist’ training, with a special emphasis on the modern education technologies viewed as the efficient means to improve the education process quality and attain a guaranteed education result. The relevant study reports (by N.Y. Karakozova, L.M. Mitina, N.B. Pikatova, A.P. Tryapitsina) consider this aspect in the context of the educator’s technological competency building process within the frame of professional competency on the whole. This is the reason why the national education system is now in need of the studies to outline the procedures and content of the future physical education specialist’s technological competency building system in the professional academic education process.
Objective of the study was to outline the basic contents of the future physical education teacher's technological competency building system in the professional academic education process.
Study methods and structure. A physical education teacher, in addition to good knowledge and skills in a wide range of common education technologies including modular [1] and project operations [5], educational cooperation (teaming, group interactions) [2], information and communication [8] technologies, must be highly proficient in a few specific technologies applicable in the professional career. These technologies may be classified for the purposes of the study as follows: competitive physical education technologies and health improvement physical education technologies.
The competitive physical education technologies are designed to:
– Build up due motivations for the competitive physical culture practices;
– Develop the relevant motor qualities and skills based on primary skills being mastered in basic sport disciplines;
– Master team sport technologies (competitive games, active games, game stretching practices etc.);
– Offer a variety of off-class physical culture and sport practices via sport sections, special training sessions, sport hours, competitions, sport festivals, mass sport events, recreation and sport tourist events etc.;
– Offer small-scale forms of physical conditioning and sporting activities like morning exercises, P.T. breaks etc.; and
– Develop the relevant competitive physical progress rating technologies – to rate the overall physicality, physical fitness, motor qualities, fitness for the GTO Complex tests etc.
The health improvement physical education technologies [3] are designed to:
– Apply a variety of health promotion technologies including adaptive physical education; individual health improvement programs; health rehabilitation and recreation practices; body tempering; physical conditioning gymnastics; therapeutic physical culture; healthy walking; and fitness technologies [6]); and
– Implement the relevant health-building technologies including life safety technologies; compensatory and preventive (valueological elucidation; value shops; drug abuse prevention; self-control skills development technologies); and the education support technologies for health improvement projects implemented at educational establishments.
As found by the study, a physical education specialist’s technological competency formation may be interpreted as the integrated professional-personality-building education process designed to give good knowledge of the relevant education technologies including competitive physical education technologies and health improvement physical education technologies; project design skills and the ability to apply them with due consideration for the personality development logics dictated by the individual priorities in the values, senses and motivations for the professional career.
The study assumed the following basic components of the physical education teacher's technological competency: motivations-and-values; cognitive; practical operation; and reflexive assessment components.
The motivations-and-values component of the physical education teacher's technological competency are ranked the leading one – for the reason that it is the motivations (that may be described as a variety of factors and processes that spur and drive the future educator in his efforts to master the modern education technologies including the competitive physical education technologies and health improvement physical education technologies) that largely determine the quality and success of an individual professional career. The individual values are also important for the student to realize the importance of the above technologies for the individual education quality and success.
The cognitive component of the physical education teacher's technological competency refers to the educator’s background in the modern educational technologies, including, among other things, the following: basics of the technological side of the education process design; theoretical basics of the modern education technologies; designs and content of modern education technologies; competitive physical education technologies; health improvement physical education technologies; process of relevant education technologies integration in the competitive physical education and health improvement physical education technologies; and the selection criteria of and requirements to the modern education technologies.
The practical operation component of the physical education teacher's technological competency refers to the educator’s ability to practically apply the modern education technologies (including the competitive physical education and health improvement physical education technologies) in an actual education process.
The reflexive assessment component of the physical education teacher's technological competency enables the educator to rate own professional progress and the trainees’ progress to obtain the physical development snapshots in the process of the applied education technologies.
Study results and discussion. When identifying the basic contents of the future physical education teacher's technological competency building process, we proceeded from the modern education specialist training models [7] plus the culturological concept of the education process content (by I.Y. Lerner, M.N. Skatkin). Generally, the future physical education teacher's technological competency building process content may be described as composed of the following theoretical and practical modules.
The theoretical module includes the following vectors:
– Educational psychology vector designed to master the following: basic values of the professional education activity in the national educational sector; education process basics and design; personality mental development logics and the psychical process manifestations typical for different age groups; inclusive education procedures and psychology; basics of the technology-driven approach in education; theoretical basics of the modern education technologies; modern approaches to the education technology classification; class/ off-class education design and implementation technologies; modern education progress rating technologies; knowledge of the education and development process designs with due application of the modern education technologies for the spiritual and ethical progress of schoolchildren; and
– Special vector that gives the means for the future physical education teacher to acquire good knowledge in the following fields: theories and practices of the competitive physical education and health improvement physical education technologies; physical education lesson design and implementation technologies; the off-class competitive physical education and health improvement physical education technologies; and the trainees’ physical progress and fitness forecasting, rating and adjustment technologies.
The practical module of the future physical education teacher's technological competency building process content is designed to help the educators master the implementation tools to efficiently apply the common education technologies, competitive physical education and health improvement physical education technologies in an actual education process. The practice-centred training will be designed to facilitate the personal engagement in the quasi-professional and professional-basics-learning procedures based on the relevant notions and values important for the subject competency, the practice implying the students making a transition from the role of passive executive to the role of active actor of the subject professional activity [4].
Conclusion. The physical education specialist’s technological competency building process will be designed as required for his/her profession specifics. The physical education specialist’s technological competency building process will be composed of the theoretical and practical modules designed to build up the following basic components of the technological competency: motivations-and-values; cognitive; practical operation; and the reflexive assessment components.
The study was performed with support from the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF under the 2016 State Order from Mordovia State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evsevev, for Project #1846 “Theoretical and practical basics of a model university operating as a basic pedagogical education centre”.
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Corresponding author: sngorshenina@yandex.ru
Success of a physical education specialist’s professional career in the context of the ongoing reform of the national education system largely depends on how good his/her knowledge of the modern education technologies is providing efficient means to improve the education process effectiveness and guarantee top-quality education. And it is the technological competency building process that will be of top priority in the physical education specialist training process. Objective of the study was to overview the basic content of the physical education specialist’s technological competency building process under the professional academic curricula. The study findings gave the means to outline the requirements to the physical education specialist’s technological competency that determine the content and vectors of the individualized professional education process. The physical education specialist’s technological competency building process includes in its content the relevant theoretical and practical training modules that provide every element of the required technological competency including the motivations-and-values; cognitive; practical operation; and reflexive assessment components.