Prognostic value of physiological tests for selection of promising elite rhythmic gymnasts



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2017, pp.  75-77

UDC 796.015.82

Associate Professor, Dr.Med. N.N. Zakharyeva1
Professor, PhD E.N. Yashkina1
1Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow

The study considers the variably skilled rhythmic gymnasts’ functionality rating tests. The study found differences in the bio-typological data of the autonomous heart rate regulation, arterial pressure, respiration, intellectual workability and stabilometrics; and offered a set of physiological criteria applicable for selection of elite rhythmic gymnasts potentially successful in high-ranking international events.

Keywords: elite rhythmic gymnasts, functionality, typological data of autonomous heart rate regulation, arterial pressure, respiration, intellectual workability, stabilometrics.


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