Social return on investment (SROI) in sports: modified model



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2017,  pp. 40-42

UDC 796.075

Associate Professor, PhD A.V. Litvin1
Associate Professor, PhD A.N. Kazakov1
L. Esipovich2
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk
2Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany

The article considers the logic and methodology of the Social Return on Investment (SROI) in application to the physical culture and sports sector. The key SROI calculation problem for investment projects may be described as referring to the challenges of adequate monetary assessment of project benefits in view of the significant drawbacks of the traditional approach to assess the social return on investment based on the valid SROI concept. Objective of the study was to develop an updated SROI model. The new SROI model is based on the assumption of some values and benefits being non-assessable in monetary terms; a certain set of values may be differently important depending on the situation; and every set of values on the output of the model will be viewed as open i.e. variable in quantity. Practical importance of the study findings is that they supplement the existing theoretical provisions and adjust the existing calculation and analytical tools applicable to the social return on investment based on the valid SROI concept for the physical culture and sports sector projects.

Keywords: physical culture and sports, social efficiency, investments, SROI, model, values, practical importance.


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