Students' cardiorespiratory system adaptive capability variation tests in different physical training environments
Dr.Hab., Professor V.I. Bondin1
Associate Professor T.A. Zhabrova1
1Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
2Rostov State University of Economics (RINH), Rostov-on-Don
Keywords: adaptation, cardiorespiratory system, environment, physical condition.
Background. In the modern science high priority is given to the studies of the cardiorespiratory system adaptive capability variations in different environmental conditions as they give the means to explore the adaptive capability mechanisms that still need to be fully understood [2]. Issues of the human adaptive reserves as one of the criteria to rate health and competitive progress are also ranked among the topical ones today [13], with the issues of specific environmental effects on the cardiorespiratory system adaptive capability variations in the physical education process being also of high interest and priority for the researchers and practitioners [5, 6, 17].
Objective of the study was to explore the students’ cardiorespiratory system adaptive capability variations in different physical training environments.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was performed in the academic year of 2014/2015 at Southern Federal University (SFU, Chkalovsky town) in variable environmental conditions with the content of potentially harmful agents being under the upper permissible levels (UPL); and at Rostov State University of Economics (RSUE, located in the downtown of Rostov-on-Don city) in the environments with the harmful agents (carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde) being in excess of the UPL [18]. The students’ cardiorespiratory system adaptive capability variations were rated in the academic physical education process. Subject to the study were 153 female first-year students.
The study data was obtained in September and March of the above academic year using the following tests: physical fitness test (PFT), Ruffier test, Breath-Holding Tests (Stange-Genchi Samples), blood circulation efficiency (BCE) test, Pignet test, circulatory system adaptive capability test; cardiorespiratory system response typing test (by S.P. Letunov and R.E. Motylyanskaya); energy cost of physical activities test [4]; and arterial blood CO2 test [17].
Study results and discussion. Presently ranked high on the list of harmful agents and effects are electromagnetic radiation effects [7], dioxides, heavy metals and some other substances that are known to depress human immune system [3], undermine the bodily adaptation mechanisms and processes and provoke different health disorders [1, 8-10]. The cardiorespiratory system health is known to heavily depend on both the levels of harmful agents and deficiency of necessary substances in the environment (including, for example, iodine, chrome and fluorine) that may provoke atherosclerosis and other diseases that normally develop without expressed symptoms nor complaints [8, 15, 16].
It is the well-known classical triad of symptoms (arterial hypotension, heart hypertrophy and bradycardia) that may be successfully applied to rate the bodily adaptive capability levels under exercise in a variety of environments and identify potential pathologies. Therefore, the blood circulation rating tests were supported under the study by the reasonably reliable energy cost rating tests, the test rates known to vary depending on the climatic conditions and environmental effects.
The energy generating abilities of the subjects were rated based on a kinesio-energy-metrics of our own design [4]. The students performed 3-minute sprint at the pace of 180 steps per minute with the following test rates (in kcal) for the SFU students: 39.9±3.05 in September and 33.1±2.93 in March; and for the RSUE students: 44.1±2.71 in September and 43.9±3.14 in March. The RSUE students showed the highest energy costs that dropped insignificantly in March. The SFU/ RSUE students’ cardiorespiratory system adaptive capability variations are given in Table 1 hereunder.
Table 1. SFU/ RSUE students’ cardiorespiratory system adaptive capability variation rates (р > 0.05),
Tests |
SFU students (n-79) |
RSUE students (n-74) |
September |
March |
September |
March |
0,371±0,004 |
0,383±0,003 |
0,375±0,003 |
0,55±0,006 |
Ruffier test |
10±0,3 |
9, ±0,3 |
9, ±0,3 |
6±0,2 |
Blood circulation efficiency (BCE) test |
67±0,3 |
69±0,3 |
69±0,3 |
79±0,4 |
Genchi test |
31±0,3 |
32±0,2 |
32±0,4 |
39±0,2 |
Stange test |
51±0,2 |
53±0,3 |
53±0,3 |
62±0,3 |
Pignet test |
28±0,3 |
27±0,3 |
22±0,3 |
28±0,3 |
Arterial blood СО2 test |
4,2±0,2 |
5,0±0,1 |
4,1±0,1 |
4,2±0,2 |
Circulatory system adaptation potential (AP) test |
2,73±0,05 |
2,49±0,02 |
2,79±0,04 |
3,19±0,05 |
The above test data show the physical fitness rates and blood CO2 level being virtually identical for the tested SFU/ RSUE students in September. In March, however, the CO2 levels in the RSUE students were about the same whilst the SFU students showed the growth from 4.2±0.2 to 5.0±0.1. The Ruffier test rates were around the average level in both of the test groups at the beginning of the study in September. In March the RSUE students showed virtually the same Ruffier test rates whilst in the SFU students they were found to rise above the average level.
The blood circulation efficiency (BCE) tests also showed virtually no differences in both of the groups in September, whilst in March the rates were found to significantly grow in the SFU students. The similar variations were detected in the Genchi/ Stange/ Ruffier/ Pignet tests.
The circulatory system adaptive capability tests by R.M. Bayevskiy were applied to rate the bodily adaptation potential in different environments. The subjects’ circulatory systems were found stressed in September in both of the test groups, with the RSUE and SFU test rates making up 2.79±0.04 and 2.73±0.05, respectively. The March tests showed that the bodily functionality adaptation potential test rates dropping in the RSUE group to 3.15±0.05 (indicative of the low adaptive capability) and increasing in the SFU group to 2.49±0.02.
Response typing tests showed 33.0% and 69.5% of the normotonic responses in the RSUE and SFU groups, respectively; with the following types of other responses: 21.6% and 15.2% of hypotension responses; 32.0% and 11.2% of hypertension responses; and 13.4% and 3.3% of step tension responses, respectively.
The above hypertension, hypotension and step tension responses found in the RSUE students were interpreted as indicative of the insufficient adaptive capability of their cardiovascular systems to the academic physical loads.
Conclusion. The study data and analyses give grounds to state that the cardiorespiratory system adaptive capability test rates under varying physical loads provide efficient means to explore the bodily adaptation responses, rate effects of physical loads on the subjects, detect potential pathologic conditions on a timely basis and offer practical recommendations on how the academic physical education and health curricula should be designed.
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The current environmental situation in the context of industrial pollution results in failures of the human functionality adaption mechanisms and various diseases. The cardiorespiratory system adaptive capability variations were rated using breath-holding tests (Stange-Genchi Samples), physical fitness tests, Ruffier test, blood circulation efficiency tests, Pignet tests, circulatory system adaptive capability tests, and arterial blood CO2 tests. The study data and analyses make it possible to optimize the academic physical education systems under different environmental conditions.