Adaptive physical education model for senior preschoolers diagnosed with speech pathology and mental retardation
Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №6 2016, pp.60-62
Associate Professor, PhD N.A. Petukhov1
Professor, PhD V.N. Ivanitskiy1
Associate Professor, PhD V.E. Bel'ts1
J.I. Samtsova1
1Tomsk State Architectural University, Tomsk
The article reports experimental data on the adaptive physical education model for senior preschoolers diagnosed with combined speech pathology and mental retardation, the model being based on the Romberg’s methods, gymnastic bench walking tests, things gathering tests and the dorsal/ abdomen muscle strength endurance tests. The educational experiment under the study demonstrated that the proposed adaptive physical education model including active games with recitative, finger gymnastics, fitball exercises and other special practices are highly beneficial as verified by the improved physical performance rates of the children diagnosed with the combined pathology.
Keywords: adaptive physical education, 6-7 year-olds with minor speech pathology and mental retardation.
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03.10.2016 г.