Programmatic and practical support for kendo as applied elective sport course under academic physical education curriculum
Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №6 2016, pp.31-33
Postgraduate K.A. Minchenkov1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.V. Ponomarev1
Associate Professor, PhD E.N. Konopleva1
1Siberian State Aerospace University n.a. Academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk
The study was designed to provide theoretical grounds for and develop the programmatic and practical support of university kendo as the applied elective sport course under the academic Physical Education curricula followed by tests of the course benefits by an educational experiment. The authors have developed the programmatic and practical support for the of university kendo as the applied elective sport course including the following: theoretical, cultural and historical background of kendo as a martial art and physical training system; practical aspects of the applied/ competitive kendo course design and management process; adapted educational and practical materials; sets of primary and principal practices; and the students’ performance and progress control and correction methodology.
Keywords: programmatic and practical support, kendo, physical education, elective course.
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26.09.2016 г.