Elite competitors' rally speed control transcripts: typical errors and ways to optimize



Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №6 2016, pp.16-18

Associate Professor, PhD N.A. Potapova1
Postgraduate I.S. Gruzdev2
Dr.Hab., Professor, Honored Scientist E.S. Tsygankov2
Associate Professor, PhD V.N. Zudin2
1Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg
2 Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow

A crew success in a motor rally competition is known to depend on many factors. Generally, the higher is the degree of professionalism in every system element and the better is the crew performance harmony the higher is the chance for success. The pilot and navigator’s performance in a high-speed track section is always of high interest for motor sport amateurs, professionals and supporters, with the crew success in the rally being highly dependent, among other things, on how clearly designed and verbalized the speed control transcript is. Even the top-ranking competitors are known to take persistent efforts to improve the quality of the records that may help win fractions of seconds in the real contest, albeit it is not unusual that they face problems in the attempts to optimize the records. The study data and analyses helped the authors to outline the typical errors (that may hamper progress of the crews) and the ways to correct them. In view of a crew always acting under time pressure, due coding of the track transcript may facilitate the performance – provided it is comfortable for understanding and gives reasonably concise information free of unnecessary words and complications..

Keywords: motor rally, speed control transcript, pilot, driver, navigator, second driver, speed track, information, route, competitions, crew, mastery, practice.


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06.10.2016 г.