Notion of physical culture: evolution in context of theoretical analysis



Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka №6 2016, pp.5-8

Associate Professor, PhD O.N. Batsina1
Associate Professor, PhD F.D. Mukhamityanov1
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky

The study considers the emergence history and developmental aspects of “physical culture” as a notion starting from the bodily developmental and physical training concepts popular in pre-revolutionary Russia and followed by the role of post-revolutionary ProletCult as an institution on the whole and A.A. Bogdanov in particular in promotion of the idea of physical culture. The study underlines the fact that the first post-revolutionary enthusiasts tended to interpret physical culture as an integral part of the proletariat’s culture on the whole. It was through the conflict of the content and functions of physical culture emerging in the society that the present internally contradictory notion of physical culture has been established. A variety of theoretical and practical problems of the notion are being addressed by a few legislative initiatives.

Keywords: notion of physical culture, theory and practice, physical culture promotion


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17.10.2016 г.