Sport reserve physical training in team game sports based on converted gymnastic practices
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2016, pp. 62-64
UDC 796.015
Associate Professor, PhD E.T. Kolunin
Tyumen State University, Tyumen
The article considers the problem of sport reserve physical training improvements in the team game sports. An objective of the study was to obtain experimental data to rate benefits of the sport reserve physical training system in the team game sports based on a set of converted gymnastic practices. Subject to the study were four groups of 2007-born boys trained in football (55 people) and ice hockey (56 people) second-year preparatory groups. Analysis of the current situation of the subject matter showed an urgent need in new training technologies for the sport reserve being developed and offered. One of such technologies may be based on the adapted (converted) gymnastic practices being used in the beginner athletes’ training process. The educational experiment under the study showed the practical benefits of the adapted gymnastic practices applied for the sport reserve training in team game sports.
Keywords: conversion, gymnastic practices, physical training, physical abilities, sport reserve, team game sports.
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Received 05.07.2016 г.