Effects of inclusive sports on physical and social development of health impaired children



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2016, pp. 32-34

UDC 796.011.3

Associate Professor, PhD L.A. Kazakova
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk

e-mail: lida-mila_25@rambler.ru

The article outlines inclusive (joint) sport as a phenomenon with its essential characteristics and functional impacts on people living with health limitations. It gives comparative annual profiles of physical and social development rating data for health impaired children (aged 10-14 years) engaged in regular sport practices in special (all-disabled) and inclusive (joint) sport groups. Work program of the regularly practicing experimental inclusive sport groups of health impaired children was designed to include two components: focused sport trainings to speed up and normalize the physical development process; and educational courses to improve the children’s social adaptation levels. The experiment demonstrated that the regularly practicing experimental inclusive sport groups of health impaired children showed more expressed simultaneous positive changes in: the relevant anatomical/ morphological physical development rating indices (growing body mass Quetelet II indices, fat constants, fat mass indices and fat percentage rates); the social development rates that serve as markers of the children’s social adaptation levels (including the due social norms and rules being accepted and adhered to); and the relevant social autonomy rates (i.e. manifestations of activity and self-reliance, increased psychological and emotional independence of the surrounding people etc.).

Keywords: health impaired children, sport, inclusive sport, physical development, social education.


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Received 05.02.2016 г.