Rating pupils' physical fitness for All-Russian physical culture and sports "Ready for Labour and Defence" (GTO) complex tests»
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2016, pp. 21-23
UDC 378.016:796
Associate Professor, PhD E.A. Simonova1
PhD S.V. Dmitrieva1
1Institute of Physical Education of Tyumen State University, Tyumen
e-mail: e_simonova@mail.ru
The study was designed to rate the Category III/IV school students’ physical fitness for the GTO Complex tests, identify the problematic areas and find the potential ways to improve the children’s physical fitness. The article reports the GTO test results for the 11-12 years old (Category III) and 13-15 years old (Category IV) children. The study found the Category III/IV pupils being fairly fit for the GTO Complex tests since the percentage of the children who failed in the fitness-rating tests was low. The study findings indicated that the highest problems were associated with the applied skills formation in the Category III/IV pupils, including the pneumatic rifle shooting tests and 50 swimming tests. The poor performance may be due to the insufficient supply of the special sport facilities in the Tyumen city and region for pneumatic rifle shooting and swimming practices. Based on the study data and analysis, the ways to improve the school students’ physical fitness and necessary provisions for their physical culture and sport progress were outlined.
Keywords: All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO) Complex, physical culture and sport activity, physical fitness, Category III/IV pupils' physical fitness, improvement potential.
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Received 05.07.2016 г.