Gender specifics of physical culture university students' self-determination process



Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2016, pp.15-17

UDC 796.011.3

Associate Professor, PhD Y.A. Kutsenko1
Master's student G.A. Kutsenko1
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen


The article considers the gender specifics in the professional career-making paths chosen by the physical culture university graduates versus their training profiles; identifies the top-priority professions in the national physical culture and sports sector preferred by the graduates; and outlines a few trends in the context of the sport professions of highest importance for the region and communities. The study recommends giving due attention to the gender specifics in the professional career-making paths chosen by the physical culture university graduates to harmonize the actual vocational preferences of the modern graduates in the national physical culture and sports sector with the needs of the regional labour market.

Keywords: vocational self-determination, gender specifics, vocational preferences, labour market, physical culture university students.


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Received  05.07.2016 г.