Succession in national physical culture and sports sector management in context of modern management methodologies
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №12 2016, pp. 6-8
UDC 796(091)
Professor, Dr.Hab. V.N. Zuev1
Professor, PhD P.G. Smirnov2
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen
2Tyumen State Industrial University, Tyumen
The article considers the issues of succession in the physical culture and sports sector management policies pursued by the federal management bodies and their leaders, with an emphasis on the competency building approaches in the decision making and execution processes in the supreme sector management bodies. Subject to special consideration are the issues of the leader’s personal management style formation in his/her cooperation with the relevant management subcultures. Based on a set of the process indicators offered by the authors, including the leader’s type, historical and cultural context and core joint operations critical for the group subculture formation, a few basic forms of management alliances in their “intra-team cultural context” were identified, as follows: dictator group; liberal group; party group and creative group.
Keywords: group, leader, management, physical culture and sports sector, management style, subculture.
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Received 07.07.2016 г.