Applied service physical education and sports classes to prepare students for GTO tests
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №6 2016, pp. 21-23
Honoured Worker of Physical Culture, Dr.Hab., Professor V.A. Shchegolev1
PhD, Associate Professor A.Yu. Lipovka1
PhD A.V. Korshunov2
1Peter the Great St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg
2Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow
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The article presents the results of studies and experimental verification of the efficiency of the service teaching methods applied in various forms of physical education with draft-age students with a view of preparing them to implement the standards and requirements of the GTO (Ready for Labour and Defence) complex. The study has shown the high efficiency of the proposed patterns of students' motor activity. Rationing of physical load in terms of volume, intensity and impact orientation helped improve the students' physical fitness for vocational training. The presence of progressive figures in the level of development of basic physical qualities that characterize the subjects' aerobic capacity enables them to provide a physiological basis for the successful implementation of the standards and requirements of the GTO complex, mastering the necessary applied service motor skills.
Keywords: military service application emphasis, physical education, sports, draft-age students, practical education tools, GTO standards and requirements.
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