Spedd-strength increasing practices to improve tempo-rhythmic pattern of middle distance running in female university athletes




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2016, pp. 60-62

UDC 796.012

Associate Professor, PhD S.S. Plotnikova1
Associate Professor, PhD T.E. Kovshura2
Associate Professor, PhD A.S. Sidorenko3
Associate Professor, PhD L.V. Yarchikovskaya3
1Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia, St. Petersburg
2Saint Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University), St. Petersburg
3Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg

e-mail: ludayarchi9913@mail.ru

The study considers the ways to improve the first-year female university athletes’ education and training process methodologies in the middle distance race tests as mandatory GTO Complex tests.
Objective of the study was to explore the effects of the speed-strength practices to optimize the tempo-rhythmic pattern of the race stride. The study found the sets of special strength- and speed-strength-developing practices that may be recommended to improve the strength endurance in the university athletes and build up the maximum dynamic strength of the leg and spinal muscles. The resultant improvements in the speed-strength qualities of the trainees play an important role in the tempo-rhythmic pattern of the race stride being maintained over the whole distance to secure growth of accomplishments in the tests.
Keywords: academic physical education, middle distance running, speed-strength qualities, tempo-rhythmic pattern of race.


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Received 18.02.2016 г.