Some issues of junior technical university students' psychological adaptation via physical education




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №11 2016 , pp. 38-39

UDC 796.01:159.9

Associate Professor, PhD O.E. Piskun1
Professor, Dr.Hab. V.A. Chistyakov1
1Peter the Great Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg


The article gives accounts of the junior students’ adaptation variations in the academic education process. The study was based on the permanent monitoring data of the project by the Institute of International Education Programs (IIEP) under Peter the Great Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University, the data being collected since 2009.
The authors used the test data of 2014-2016 generated by the Adaptability Test of the randomly sampled students. The test data and analysis showed the students’ adaptation going slower than in the prior periods and, consequently, the existing physical education curriculum is insufficient to counter the negative trend; therefore, constant psychological consulting of the students’ diagnosed with disadaptation disorders is recommended.

Keywords: student, personal adaptation potential, disadaptation disorders, monitoring, Adaptive Capability Test.


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Received 30.07.2016 г.