
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2016


V.I. Zagvyazinskiy, I.V. Manzheley – All-round approach to pedagogical research on physical culture and sports issues3
E.A. Cherepov – Sportization of physical education as core chronotope in health-promoting educational space6
A.A. Kravchenko, A.S. Bakhareva, A.P. Isaev, V.V. Erlikh – Postural control by cross country skiers grouped by skill levels9
A.S. Bakhareva, A.P. Isaev, O.B. Tseylikman, A.S. Aminov – Metabolic status of elite cross country skiers when developing local-muscle group endurance12
V.V. Erlikh, A.P. Isaev, Yu.N. Romanov, V.V. Epishev, J.B. Korableva – Differentiated assessment of metabolic processes at mid-altitude acclimatization of skilled middle distance runners14
R.A. Gaynullin, A.P. Isaev, V.V. Erlikh, J.B. Korableva – Regulation of respiratory function of students with different physical activity levels17
A.S. Ushakov, N.E. Kleshchenkova, A.V. Nenasheva, S.I. Astakhov, K.E. Ryabina – Heart rate variability in learning process in healthy schoolgirls not doing sports20
A.S. Makhov, V.D. Chepik, V.Yu. Karpov, V.N. Pushkina – Content systematization of discipline "Theory and methodology of chosen sport" for "Physical Education" (Bachelor's programme)23
R.G. Shaykhetdinov, V.A. Gromov – University graduate's psychophysical vocational fitness: methods of achievement26
E.G. Babich, E.A. Petrova, D.V. Savchenko, N.V. Belyakova – Prestart emotional states of professional athletes (case study of MBC "Dinamo", Moscow)29
N.V. Belyakova, E.A. Petrova, A.V. Romanova, N.N. Akimova – Professional self-fulfillment process of student-athletes at the stage of retiring from elite sport32
A.V. Kornev, A.S. Makhov, V.S. Makeeva, O.G. Rysakova – Sports training motivation of special (remedial) school children35
D.V. Savchenko, O.I. Mironova, E.G. Babich, V.A. Morozov – Socio-psychological adaptation of adolescents with visual impairment in group of peers influenced by team sports38
E.A. Shmeleva, M.A. Pravdov, P.A. Kislyakov, A.V. Kornev – Psycho-pedagogical support of development and correction psycho-functional and physical abilities within socialization of mentally retarded children41
A.I. Seselkin, V.N. Pushkina, M.A. Petrova, M.V. Eremin – Inclusive tourism development prospects in Russia44
A.S. Aminov, A.V. Nenasheva – Adaptive-compensatory reactions in case of correctional health program for 12-15 year-olds living in foster families47
V.A. Damdintsurunov, K.V. Vaganova, A.S. Tedoradze V.S. Piyannikov – Classification of offensive holds in mixed martial arts (MMA)49
Yu.I. Nedotsuk, M.M. Kovylin, A.Yu. Kazakov, A.A. Zalikhanova, I.S. Kondratiev – Special fitness machine "Tandem bicycle" for integrative-differentiated correction in dynamics of spinning technique based on unconditional reciprocal innervations52
V.Yu. Karpov, V.A. Kudinova, A.I. Seselkin, E.D. Bakulina – Monitoring of efficiency of development of physical culture
and sport in federal subjects of Russia56
V.N. Pushkina, A.V. Kornev, N.V. Olyashev, A.V. Kochnev – Differentiated university physical education in context
of constitution-specific hemodynamic markers59
V.S. Makeeva, V.N. Pushkina, I.E. Ivashkova, A.N. Zelyanina – Fitness training as preventive health care for railroad workers 62
«TRAINER» – journal in journal
O.N. Stepanova, A.S. Makhov, E.N. Latushkina, J.S. Bernina – Coach's management activities: types, objects, performance
A.P. Isaev, V.V. Erlikh, V.V. Epishev, A.S. Smirnov – Integration of technologies and theory of adaptation into women's middle distance running and steeplechase training concept and programs69
V.A. Tishchenko – Skilled handball player functionality variation in annual macrocycle72
V.N. Potapov, D.O. Maleev – Simulated hypoxic training in elite cross country skiing74
A.A. Kabanov, V.M. Bashkin – Pedagogical diagnostics for athletes' training process management78
V.A. Vishnevskiy – Body condition of Yugra residents subject to physical training during summer holiday in the South83
B.P. Yakovlev, G.D. Babushkin, S.O. Kovbel', N.R. Usaeva – Psychological fitness of elite weightlifters and competitive
S.M. Obukhov, N.B. Obukhova – Physical culture and sport development dynamics in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region Yugra89
L.I. Lubysheva, S.N. Litvinenko – Status and prospects of development of Russian sport science in context of scientific
sports periodicals94
V.P. Guba, V.V. Marinich – Genetic and phenotypic markers for successful sport performance forecast96
K.B. Yasin, I.V. Petracheva, Yu.N. Kotov – Formation of requirements to biomechanical characteristics of handball shot technique
in support position99
M. Tashtarian, A.A. Shalmanov, E.E. Zhigun – "Whip" biomechanism as a basis for badminton smash technique102