Educational model for students' motivation for sport activity
Associate professor, PhD O.V. Limarenko1
Professor, Dr.Hab. V.V. Ponomarev2
1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
2Siberian State Technological University, Krasnoyarsk
The article considers the ways to improve the university students’ motivation for physical education. The valid academic physical education curriculum is limited by certain regulations and, therefore, not always motivates the students for active sports. It is presently recognized that a high priority needs to be given to the students’ motivations for self-reliant sporting activity viewed as a primary condition for the academic educational process being productive. The relevant initiatives will help form due knowledge and skills in the students to encourage their self-reliant and systemic sporting activity in the off-class hours. This concept for the academic physical education process support will give the means to train highly skilled specialists having the background knowledge, motivations and skills for self-reliant sporting activity. Presently the efforts to encourage students for sports face a variety of problems. These problems may be solved by integrated measures including the proposed sequence of steps (on the philosophical, general educational and special training levels) to form a basis for an efficient educational model to foster due motivations in university students for sports.
Keywords: academic physical education, psycho-physical potential, interiorization, physical culture and sport activity, self-reliant practices.
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