Russian Physical Exercise System GTO («Gotov k Trudu i Oborone» - "Ready for Labor And Defense") for Persons with Disabilities: do we need the adapted version of the existing tests or newly developed Para-GTO system
PhD E.V. Mashkovskiy
Professor, Dr.Med. E.E. Achkasov
A.U. Magomedova
K.A. Predatko
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Physical culture is presently considered an efficient instrument for health improvement and social rehabilitation of people with impairments. Physical training and sports are getting increasingly popular among people with impairments with the numbers of the latter going in for sports on a regular basis being on the rise, albeit the national outreach of the relevant initiatives is still insufficient. It was in 2014 that a Presidential Decree on the Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO) reinstatement was issued. However, one of the GTO Complex drawbacks at this juncture is that it is still largely inaccessible for people with impairments. We have made an accessibility analysis of the present GTO Complex categorical tests and offered the Complex adaptation versions for people with impairments with the relevant disability classification criteria to qualify candidates for the adapted GTO tests. Adaptation of the GTO Complex tests for this population group may be attained by the following two strategies: (1) Adapt the existing tests; or (2) Design a separate Para-GTO Complex. The first strategy implies the candidate for the tests being offered to go for regular or adapted tests as provided by the inclusivity principle. This strategy is simple in implementation and cost-efficient, albeit it fails to fully cater for the functional deficiencies of the candidates and, hence, cannot guarantee the physical accomplishments of the disabled athletes being fairly rated. The second strategy of the new Para-GTO Complex being established – will be sensitive to the functional deficiencies, with sets of adapted tests being offered to the disabled athletes categorized into the relevant sport-functionality classes. This option will claim: more time; contributions of specialists from a wide variety of research fields; sound theoretical and practical basis; relevant legal and regulatory provisions; and an additional finance. However, such system will offer optimal conditions for the disabled people’s participation in the GTO tests, including those designed for the heavily deficient functionalities. The historical name of the “Ready for Labour and Defence” (GTO) is recommended to be retained for the adapted test system for the disabled people to emphasize the citizens’ equality principle.
Keywords: “Ready for Labour and Defence”, GTO, Para-GTO, sport-functionality-based classification, adaptive physical education, adaptive sports, rehabilitation, abilitation, social adaptation, people with impairments.
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