Postural control rates of junior orienteering athletes tested by statokinetic stability control and rating system



Postgraduate R.Y. Abzalilov1
Professor, Dr.Biol. A.P. Isaev2
Associate professor, Dr.Biol. V.V. Erlikh2
1Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla, Ufa
2South Ural State University (NIU), Chelyabinsk

Objective of the study was to explore the postural control rate variability at the adolescents’ active maturity, growth and development stage. The test data under the study were obtained using the Stabilo-MBN Stabilography System. Subject to the study were 17 competitive orienteering athletes aged 13-14 years formally qualified with the Adult Class III-II category and having the competitive track records of 3-4 years. The study found specific effects of the systemic sport practices on the athletes’ stabilometrics as provided by the stability control and rating system (SCRS). Furthermore, certain gender- and bodily-dimensions-specific effects of the sport on the postural control rates were found by the study. The body statokinetic balance control system is generally based on the musculoskeletal system elements and individual anatomic/ physiological specifics of the skeletal muscles. The skeletal muscles are activated by impulses transmitted through the movement control nerves by motor-neurons in lower limbs, spinal cord etc. by the relevant motor activity regulation mechanism. As provided by the L.A. Luchikhin balancing version, the balancing parameters are highly variable coming to 30-60% within the upper range, while the base frequencies of the vertical motor component are variable in excess of 100%.

Keywords: statokinetic stability, stabilography, postural control rate, competitive orienteering.


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